Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Who's going to care for the Baby Boomers?

I wanted to read a blog that I could relate to the field that I am going into which is nursing, and as I was flipping through peoples commentaries I found one that caught my eye. Who will care for you when you're sick and old? Now in this blog John Aravosis raises the question because of a recent ordeal that he is going through with his father who has oral cancer. He describes how his father has excellent insurance (or so he thought) and how we live in the best country in the world it wouldn't be that hard to find a health insurance company to care for his father. Yet when it came down to it his 84 year old mother was the caregiver for a while since it was so difficult to find someone that would take his fathers insurance and make sure it would cover all the expenses. Which in this blog Aravosis is still paying out of pocket for a in-home nurse. So as this is all happening to his parents Aravosis wonders who will take care of the next generation because he has no spouse, no children, and no retirement plan, and most of us say that it's our family or children that will be our caregivers. Now let's get real about this times have changed and roles have actually been switched at times where females are the main bread winners now. Aravosis discusses this issue and has evidence to support this issue and how the AARP report detailing how bad the coming problem might be. Since women are now a part of the workforce and families are decreasing in size who will be there to care for you? Mothers or daughters are the ones to care for others but what happens when they themselves get sick? Will the husband or male be the ones to care for them? If that is the only source of income left then they would lose 100% of the family income, let alone 50% when the women are the ones to cut down on hours to take care of their sick loved ones.
Now I get Aravosis point on this matter, and I know how insurance companies get be a real pain in the ass, but I don't see the evidentiary support on his besides a commentary from Michelle Singletary on the insurance issue, for me to actually believe that this is going to be a problem I would've liked to see some statistics or charts or something on this matter. Instead I only really saw just opinions from just his side of the story and what has happened to him with his situation. I understand that the GOP health insurance is complicated but I like numbers and I have to see the evidence for myself. Everyone has their opinions but can you support it with hard evidence?
With that being said I do believe he has a point and I do think that there is problem I mean its right in front of our faces right now with the government and congress acting like children and fighting over things that could be dealt with in a timely manner. Instead they chose a different route and now the debt has increased where I question where will that money be cut out from? So with that I do see Aravosis logic. I definitely will be wondering the same question 20-50 years from now since I will be one of the people caring for the baby boomers.

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