Tuesday, October 8, 2013

What to do about Obamacare?

It took me a really long time to figure out what the heck to write about, being the person that I am and paying absolutely no attention to newspapers, politics, the news in general I was very clueless to what was really going on. To admit that I really did not understand what Obamacare was exactly is embarrassing to me because I know as a citizen of the U.S. I should be concerned about what we are having to do and what rules are being regulated over insurance.
As I began reading John Barrasso  story on "Beware Obamacare" it started to get me thinking... what is the big deal about this Obamacare? So I started to look into it and I know I still have a lot of reading to do about the entire situation but here is what I found first. Now I understand that there's many different opinions about Obamacare on the individual side as well as the business side but I only got to the individual side of things so bear with me. I read that Obamacare increases consumer protections, which these help to protect people like you and me from being dropped while sick, denied care due to lifetime limits, denied care for pre-existing conditions, and also offers Americans a better legal standing against health insurance companies. Obamacare also gives tens of millions of low-income and middle-income Americans access to quality health care by providing discounts through the health insurance marketplace. Now for a person like me who is still trying to understand all of this is also trying to figure out how this will benefit college students who aren't insured. So I went to healthcare.gov and wanted to see what the page was like and what exactly it said. Also, from my understanding that if you don't have insurance by Jan. 1, 2014 that you will get fined, so when I first thought about it my first thought was why wouldn't you get the insurance?! Your paying a higher cost if you don't get insurance because what if there's an emergency medical need to the point where you have to visit the emergency room? those medical bills start to add up real quick. Compared to having insurance where you wouldn't get fined and you would pay a co-pay and be done with it.
So as I was scanning the marketplace trying to find something on college students it said that the marketplace had 22 preventive services to keep college students healthy at no additional cost. So those check-ups or shots that are needed for school could be free instead of paying about $200 dollars for one single shot. Also, if you need help paying for coverage you could also qualify for lower costs. All this information I was reading into seemed to be helpful for students to get insurance. So I began to read Barrasso's side of the story about Obamacare and now I'm stuck in the middle. With Barrasso's argument he had four facts about the new healthcare system that should raise concerns on why Obamacare is not going to be affective 1.) Higher cost, 2.) Losing your doctor, 3.) Fraud and Identity theft,  and 4.) Customer service failures. In his paper he has very good arguments and substantial evidence to back up his arguments. In which he states that Obama said that cost of insurance will be lower than your cell phone bill. Which the average cell phone bill is about $71, now I would be really surprised if every person got a rate lower than that especially with families of low-income especially when rates are varying between states which Barrasso provides that evidence as well. The only argument of his that I didn't get was number three "Fraud and Identity theft" there is a lot of personal information that you will have to input in order to get a quote from an insurance company and yes that could cause identity theft but isn't it the same as signing up for financial aid and having to put personal information like social security and income? There are options to block and secure websites just like the others.
After reading and doing some research I was all for Obamacare because it seemed like it would help the majority. I do believe there still are flaws that could be fixed, after reading Barrasso's article there are things that I think the government still have to talk about and agree to something rather than just shutting down. His argument was very convincing and did steer to the "right" a little more but at the same time I would like family members to be able to be secure that are low-income and have children to think about. This guy definitely made me think and I still want to look into this more to see what is the right choice for all of us is.

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