Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Legalizing Gay Marriage

I was reading Crystal Reese's Blog and she brought up some good points. I never thought about how many gay couples we see everyday whether in school, or out in town, even in our own families, so why not just legalize it? The same sex couples are living together, adopting children just like they are married so why not just let them be married? You can't stop them from doing what they are going to do and if it's religion that's controlling that part or the government frankly it's nobodies business. I see a lot of people protesting against gay marriage yet if you were to ask them did god discriminate? because most of these people are religious that protest. Yes these individuals might be living in sin but they know that already and don't need reminding, plus even if they are "sinners" that doesn't make them who they are. People say that they influence others to do this well yes they do, it's a message to others to say that they can express who they are without having to hide behind closed doors.

Even though the government aren't letting these individuals get married, I think eventually most states will approve of it. It took us this long to legalize in some states but it will slowly grow. I really liked this Blog and made me think more about the legalization of gay marriages and how we see it all around us yet it isn't permanent like other marriages because they are the same sex.

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