Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Legalizing Gay Marriage

I was reading Crystal Reese's Blog and she brought up some good points. I never thought about how many gay couples we see everyday whether in school, or out in town, even in our own families, so why not just legalize it? The same sex couples are living together, adopting children just like they are married so why not just let them be married? You can't stop them from doing what they are going to do and if it's religion that's controlling that part or the government frankly it's nobodies business. I see a lot of people protesting against gay marriage yet if you were to ask them did god discriminate? because most of these people are religious that protest. Yes these individuals might be living in sin but they know that already and don't need reminding, plus even if they are "sinners" that doesn't make them who they are. People say that they influence others to do this well yes they do, it's a message to others to say that they can express who they are without having to hide behind closed doors.

Even though the government aren't letting these individuals get married, I think eventually most states will approve of it. It took us this long to legalize in some states but it will slowly grow. I really liked this Blog and made me think more about the legalization of gay marriages and how we see it all around us yet it isn't permanent like other marriages because they are the same sex.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Texas and Abortions

The Texas clinics have stopped providing abortions after the court ruling in July and most clinics are beginning to shut down since they aren't making any money. Now I am pro life and I do believe there are options besides abortion and how other families are always seeking for a child that they might not be able to have. I also believe that there are things that happen besides unprotected sex that can lead to an unplanned pregnancy like rape and in that case what right does the woman have? Throughout a women's lifetime we have never had as many rights to do as we please compared to this century, and to take that option away it limits us to what we can do. To have a choice in the matter of our own bodies and what we want to do with it is our responsibility and our human right, and to have the court decide whether or not we can have an abortion or not is crazy to me. Yes just because there are so many risk in to having an abortion and there could be some side effects to doing certain procedures that is simply up to the woman and if she is willing to take that risk.
I was reading the health guide in the New York Times on abortion and how there are physical and emotional risk involved in all of this. Now I understand the physical part of the risk but the emotional? Even if the woman were to keep the child and/or give it up for adoption you would think that wouldn't involve emotional stress? To me it would be just as much distress if you would decide to go on with the pregnancy because even after the fact you would than carry the child, and could  resent he/she because you weren't able to accomplish your goals in life, which can also lead to child abuse where the mother resents or, even worse never wanted the child to begin with. Option two would be to put the baby up for adoption but even that leads to distress because than the mother has the mentality of that one annoying question, "what if?". I understand all of the options and I'm sure other women understand too but that doesn't give the court the right to make a decision for us. If the court could rule that contraception could be readily available to anyone I don't think abortion would be as high as it is either. There are so many things that play into this ruling that it makes you want to pull your hair out. I was born out of wedlock and my mother was a teen mom, I've always been grateful that she decided to keep me and am lucky to have found a father who treats me like I was his own. I am pro life like I said and I don't agree with abortion but when it comes to a point where a woman has no choice in the matter of her own body that's when there is a problem. Religion shouldn't have a choice in the matter and neither should the government period but unfortunately both do.