Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Legalization of Marijuana

Okay so I've held my opinion about this all semester about this green leafy substance. In my opinion sure why not legalize it but within small amounts? I've seen the good side and the ugly side of what marijuana can do, but is that up to the government to choose what we can and can't do? NO! I have lots of friends that smoke or eat this (brownies). In my opinion it is a recreational drug, or for some a medical need.

People make their own decisions in life and that's the way it should be, others may think using marijuana is endangering yourself but how could you? There has never been a report of someone overdosing on marijuana or poisoning themselves from this. As I was reading about how the poll on the legalization of marijuana has increased on legalizing this substance, and how most Americans support the use for medical purposes. Which if they could legalize for medical use on all states that would be a huge step. I know with these type of things it will be baby steps and especially with our very conservative state will probably be the last to legalize. I just feel like I did with the Abortion Law and that people can make their own decisions and if they decide to abuse it than they suffer the consequences. If the government thinks that cannabis  is so dangerous than they should make alcohol illegal as well, it causes more problems than cannabis. Alcohol causes liver damage, decreases humans cognitive thinking, addiction, wrecks, fights, and worst of all death.
I've also seen the ugly side of what marijuana can lead to I've seen my family member go from just smoking when we were in High school and now he/she is in and out of jail for dealing. I have seen it to where now this person has a full blown addiction but with cocaine or whatever they are taking now. Do I think that cannabis was the starter for it? Yes and No, only because yes he made the decision to start smoking and from there he made the decision to become a drug dealer. Now from that point on that is when it went downhill, but that was THEIR choice to start to sell it. From the point of selling cannabis and other drugs is when it all fell apart and they are at this point now. I didn't grow up in a nice quiet neighborhood, there was gang violence and shootouts which is another cause of drugs and gangs claiming their areas to sell, but this isn't just because marijuana it's cocaine, heroin, etc.

Legalizing this drug is not easy thinking of all these different arguments. For medical reasons I can see how it's important and for a small amount for whatever use. Either way people find outlets to escape from reality whether it be good or bad but the choice is up to them. Whether they make it into an addiction or just to relax how is this drug any different from the other drugs that the government approve of that have dangerous side effects?